Happy F%$#ing Valentine’s Day

Tis the season to remind you that you are still in love or that you are single and rethinking that decision because of this holiday.

Although November/December holiday blues are over with, we tend to forget that this special one is right around the corner of every new year.

In the spirit of new beginnings, we have to first accept that this is only 24 hours long which means for you single people out there, this guide is to get you through this holiday without one regret.

RULE #1: Please do not drunk text or call your ex for a hook up or heart to heart. Although it is tempting, a wrong decision made on this day may hunt you forevermore. This holiday tends to be a little bit harder on the women than men do to the fact that women appreciate being serenaded and taken care of on this very cliché location occasion. Your ex is an ex for a reason. There will be no intimate contact through conversation or anything else. He is in your past for a reason, keep him there. V-day is no exception.

 RULE #2: Lay off the chocolate. I understand that it looks so appealing and your thought process may be if no one is going to buy it for me then I will buy it for myself, but the issue is not the sentiment but merely the calories. The worst thing is waking up February 15 and realizing that you just ate your allotted calories for the day by indulging in a  Sees candy box the size of your palm. Self-pity, no date, and Netflix is not a good combination but merely a recipe for disaster. Which brings me to rule number three.

RULE #3: For the love of God, leave the house. I know how annoying this might sound, you don’t want to see couples showing PDA in public and reminding you why you hate this day so much. But there are always fun things to do. For starters, go get a massage. It is my go to thing seeing as to how I have found a place that gives a full body massage for $20 an hour. If someone isn’t in your life to serenade you, then do it for your self. This holiday is all about love, so love yourself today.

RULE #4: Misery loves company! We all have that one friend who is just as pessimistic as you might be this year. Make sure to bond with them. Make prior plans to hang out with them so you are not alone on this day. You might enjoy yourself more than ever especially with someone there to relate and help you forget it’s a holiday.

RULE #5: Let loose and have fun. Just because you are not happy does not mean that you need to make the worst out of this day. Take it easy. Like I said, I just got out of a 5 year relationship and today is the day I feel more lost than I ever have. I learned that I would normally appreciate this holiday when I was in a relationship but now I just feel lonely and have this reminder to validate that. Image result for bitter valentines day

RULE #6: Order in! This is not the day to be stuck in line and crapped out because you don’t have reservations. Not only will it contribute to your already not so great mood, it will kill your whole day and hunger and waiting do not mix. There are apps on iphones that would help you with this problem. Grubhub, EAT24, and Postmates are my favorite. Bon Appetit!

There is no absolute reason as to why these tips wont help you survive the next 24 hours. But I am sure everyone would appreciate a little advice. Please comment below and help your fellow readers/blog posters out.

Don’t forget to Have a Happy F%$#ing Valentine’s Day!

2 thoughts on “Happy F%$#ing Valentine’s Day

  1. Wow this was actually helpful. This is exactly what I’m going through and I’m so happy I found this blog.
    The only thing I’m still struggling with is I don’t really have anyone to talk to about these things and that’s what makes it hard.
    But I do love your advice on not texting the ex. God knows that’s something hard to not do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marie,

      Firstly, I appreciate your honesty. Sometimes it’s hard to accept things that are happening in our lives and that’s where our denial kicks in.

      I completely understand what you mean about the ‘not having anyone to talk to’ thing. Like I have mentioned in my ‘What Next’ blog, I managed to alienate everyone around me because I was so consumed in my relationship at the time. Besides the obvious of making a blog, I started going to therapy. Sometimes you need time to yourself and to be able to run things off of someone who knows nothing about you with NO judgment whatsoever.

      If all else fails, visit a blogger’s site and start commenting on specific articles that stood out to you. Someone might reach out and from there can stem a beautiful friendship.

      If you have any advice on topics you would like to see me write about, comment them or send them to my personal email, and I will be sure to give you a shoutout when it’s posted!

      Goodluck, and remember that it might feel like you are alone now, but it won’t last long. Us humans need others in our lives. It’s an essential key to survival.


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